The best advice one can give to a small business owner is to not dream too big and aim too high. This sounds contradictory, but this advice is in terms of office space, employees, and running the operations. A lot of times small startups with understandably big dreams and aspirations start renting an office space and hiring employees when they are still trying to financially stabilize themselves, and this often causes more pain over the next few months when they struggle with all of these extra financial obligations that they could have avoided if they had kept things small. So, always scale back where you can, and outsourcing employees when needed is a great option, so if you have not already, you should look into outsourced accounting services as an option.
The whole point of outsourcing services is so that you can get the professional help you need when you need it and all the while without having to pay regularly like you would with a full-time employee. This is one of the reasons that outsourced services are so popular amongst small business owners and companies. So, if you are looking for help like getting your accounts or ledger managed, you can easily outsource an accountant from an accounting outsourcing firm and have them come and help you with what you specifically requested their services for, and once that job is done, they take their pay and leave. This makes for a more affordable business plan for small companies and lets them get the help they need without having to overwork themselves. So, ask around other small companies about their experiences with different accounting firms so that you can get what you need to be done without having to worry about it getting out of your budget.